Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Well, nothing much has been going on, trying to win gift cards for Christmas and trying to win some type of money to pay a lawyer for some personal family issues. It sucks forking over so much money but it has to be done in order for us to survive. Warren is reaching all of his milestones and doing great. He's become quite the porker. It's super cute! his cheeks are so chubby! I love it! I put the Christmas tree up too! It looks great, I'm surprised Warren hasn't tried to pull it down yet, it's been up a few weeks now and it's like he could care less about it. He's in his jumper now so I have a little bit to type before he starts getting cranky and wants out. Me and Dave are great. We survived our 1 year anniversary last month! We're still married! hahaha, not that I thought we wouldn't be married but now a days people are lucky to make it 6 months when married. It's like marriage is a joke to people. Not to us though! We're pretty serious about the stuff. haha, I love him very much he's such a great person! I'm so happy to spend the rest of my life with him. But other then all of that crap nothing else has been going on. I guess were going to my sister in laws house for Christmas this year. Then we're going to try to swing by Dave's mothers house to celebrate there too. I hope we don't stay long, I REALLY don't like her new boyfriend. I feel as if he's freeloading off of my MIL. Hopefully she realizes what's really going on. She don't need that crap. Anyways I'm off to tend to Pooder Butt, he wants to play!

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